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Delicious treats, cakes, chocolate mousse and lunch was on the menu November 5th on Monday with three friends from the campus (Tara, Ryan, and O’scar). We went for a stroll down to our “new hang out” or lunch treat at this French restaurant or cafe’ I believe it is and we’ve been hooked ever since (Tara and I). But I believe it has to do with our first trip to this cute little hole-in-the-wall with my sweet friend Jose two weeks before. Haha, that day was hilarious in the end though, because I was handed a small note by the waitress, who said a lady walked in and said to hand it to me. This little note said “Jesus loves you! :)” Just like that. haha, I found it be quite funny though.

It is indeed a little known fact that Goths are indeed practically the most happiest people in the world. We’re not made of stone you know. But in all, we enjoyed our lunch and here were the deadly, yet so delicious treats we enjoyed.

 Strawberry sponge cake with a light custard and whip cream

 Asian chicken wrap Chocolate Mousse

 Yummy!! ^,.,^

My friend Ryan enjoying his sandwich and pastry. hehe Looks like it’s THAT good! haha

 A crisp cake with hazelnut and ganache

 Raspberry tart with custard filling.

 My sweet friend Tara. “Spoon” as said by the rabbit in Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland.

 Chocolate Ganache cake

 My friend O’scar.. hmmm, why so serious? -,.,- haha XD

 His tuna sandwich.

All done! Was to die for.

 Delicious treats make a happy Goth and friends!

 Simple yet dark and enchanting.

Any fun places that you and your friends have become addicted to? I know we have to this little cafe’ “Le Provence”. Though quite expensive, it is wonderful for a treat spot.

Tons of Love Bites,
